[liberationtech] IGF Community Public Consultation: Call for Inputs - Taking stock of the 2016 work program and 11th IGF and suggestions for 2017 and 12th IGF

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 16 09:39:25 PST 2017

From: Nigel Hickson <nigel.hickson at icann.org>

The following has just been posted on the IGF site.  A good opportunity
post Guadalajara to give some to the MAG:


All IGF stakeholders are invited to submit inputs to the IGF Secretariat
related to the following questions:

A) Taking Stock of 2016 programming, preparatory process, community
intersessional activities and the 11th annual IGF: What worked well? What
worked not so well?

B) Suggestions for improvements in 2017? (programming, preparatory
processes, community intersessional activities and improvements for 12th
annual meeting)

Would be good to have some co-ordinated thoughts; so grateful for any
inputs by 15th January.


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