[liberationtech] Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative Grant Fund

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Thu Jan 12 09:22:06 PST 2017

The Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative Grant
<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/affordable-access-initiative/home> Fund
seeks to support, grow and scale innovative businesses that are developing
technologies and business models that have the potential to help billions
more people affordably get online. Areas of interest include last mile
access technologies, off-grid renewable energy solutions, and alternative
payment mechanisms, as well as verticals such as healthcare, education, and
agriculture. We will consider eligible applicants covering these areas and


Solution should:
• Leverage low-cost forms of last-mile internet connectivity, off-grid
energy solutions, and/or alternative payment mechanisms
• Demonstrate innovative approaches to utilizing and/or selling cloud

Applicants must:
• Be a commercial organization with two or more full-time employees (we
will not accept applications from non-profits, government agencies, or
academic institutions)
• Have a working solution and paying customers
• Demonstrate potential to scale to new markets
• Be free of any legal or regulatory encumbrances

AAI Web site https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/affordable-access-
initiative/home  Twitter: @AAIgrantfund
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