[liberationtech] New Privacy/HCI Design Challenge by the Department of Health and Human Services

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 9 12:25:04 PST 2017

From: Florian Schaub <fschaub at umich.edu>

New Privacy/HCI Challenge by the Department of Health and Human Services:

Privacy Policy Snapshot Challenge

SUMMARY: The Privacy Policy Snapshot Challenge is a call for designers,
developers, and health data privacy experts to create an online Model
Privacy Notice (MPN) generator. The MPN is a voluntary, openly available
resource designed to help health technology developers who collect digital
health data clearly convey information about their privacy and security
policies to their users. Similar to a nutrition facts label, the MPN
provides a snapshot of a product’s existing privacy practices, encouraging
transparency and helping consumers make informed choices when selecting
products. The MPN does not mandate specific policies or substitute for more
comprehensive or detailed privacy policies.

Prizes: $20K first place, $10k second place, $5k third place

Deadline: April 10, 2017

For more info:

-> If you plan to participate feel free to reach out to me, I’d be happy to
provide feedback on ideas and act as project mentor.

- Florian

Florian Schaub
Assistant Professor
School of Information
University of Michigan
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