[liberationtech] Boston event: How Nonprofits Can Find and Use Public Data Effectively (Feb. 16th)

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Tue Jan 3 08:28:40 PST 2017

Dear Liberation Tech Colleagues,

Tech Networks of Boston(TNB) and TNB Labs (TNBL) are pleased to invite you
to a Roundtable session on how best practices for nonprofits that want to
find and make use of public data. Our featured guest will be George Reuter
of Compass Working Capital.

Here is what George says about this session:

“Have you written a needs statement for your nonprofit recently? Struggled
with what indicators to collect to evaluate your program? Nonprofits are
regularly asked to put their mission and their program activities in the
context of (or alongside) benchmark comparison data. “Collective impact”
initiatives frequently ask nonprofits to align their activities toward key
outcomes that are collected consistently in multiple geographies.
Meanwhile, government entities at all levels are increasingly making access
to public data a priority. Join us for a conversation about public data
sources, tools to manipulate and visualize that data, and some examples of
how to frame your nonprofits’ story (your mission and impact!) using
publically available data.”

Registration is free of charge for nonprofit professionals; however, you
MUST have a confirmed reservation in order to attend!  To make your
reservation, please follow this link:


We hope that you can join us for a vigorous and informative conversation,
in which you will be welcome to share your knowledge and experience with
your peers!

Best regards from Deborah

P.S. For a frequently updated list of future TNB Roundtable sessions,
please visit www.techboston.com/events .

Deborah Elizabeth Finn  |  Senior Strategist
Tech Networks of Boston
1 Wadleigh Place  | South Boston, MA  02127
Phone: 617.504.8188 | Fax: 888.527.9333
deborah at techboston.com | techboston.com

We are a Certified B Corp! | Visit our Boston Techie Blog
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
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