[liberationtech] List Termination Notice

rizzo rizzo at cryptolab.net
Sun Feb 26 00:45:00 PST 2017

Hi all,

I'd like to suggest Matrix.org as a platform for LiberationTech, an
alternative to mailing lists. I've found Matrix.org extremely usable for
big groups of people to communicate, and very easy to access through one
of the many clients, Riot (https://riot.im). Matrix/Riot are open
source, decentralized, scalable, easy to use, available on all major
platforms including mobile, support end-to-end encryption (audited
already), can be run on our own server for better protection of everyone
who is joining a channel (called "room"), and integrates well with IRC
and other platforms if need be.

In fact, there already is a room called LiberationTech which you can
access here: https://matrix.to/#/#liberationtech:matrix.org

I know there are strong reasons to stick with a mailing list, but it's
difficult for subscribers of mailing lists in hostile countries to
protect themselves from surveillance -- we all know how tricky it is to
set up an anonymous email account. Using Matrix would make this a lot
easier, because the only entity that knows the IP of those in a room is
the entity that controls the server -- and anyone can run their own.
Connections to the server and among the federated servers are encrypted,
of course.

Anyways, I recommend considering Matrix as a strong alternative to a
mailing list. Check it out.


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