[liberationtech] Thank You

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 24 11:27:55 PST 2017

Hi All,

I want to thank all of you for the wonderful emails you have sent me and
the good wishes.

I also want to thank all of you who have written to me clamoring that we
keep Liberationtech going independent of Stanford University.

I've been swamped by emails, except this time I was both happy and sad to
read them. I was sad because it is the end of an era for Stanford and our
community. But I was also happy because you have all expressed a desire to
do more to promote Liberationtech around the world, so it is the start of a
new one that may take Liberationtech to unprecedented heights now that it
can operate without Stanford restrictions.

I will try to respond to each and every one of your emails as soon as
possible. But I want you to know that I have read each one, and I truly
appreciate them.

There will be a lot to do to keep Liberationtech going, and we will need as
many volunteers as we can get to do so. So please do shoot me an email if
you'd like to volunteer with the kinds of interests and skills that you

You don't need to be a "techie." We definitely need tech volunteers for
sure. But we will need people to volunteer to be moderators of mailing
lists. We will need volunteers to help us tweet Liberationtech news. And we
will need volunteers for things that I cannot even envision right now that
you may be envisioning that Liberationtech should do going forward.

If you already have a vision for Liberationtech as an independent entity,
please share it with the group.

Thank you all,
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