[liberationtech] Thank You

Wendy Dent wendy at wendydent.com
Thu Feb 23 23:49:01 PST 2017

You did a great job.

Thank you Yosem. I've always found your posts and moderation enlightening
and constructive. As the new New York Times' Oscars ad says "Truth is
Hard". You took it on, and helped it reach us.

I'm sad to learn of the end of the LiberationTech mail list, but will be
happy to support it's liberation from here.


Wendy Dent

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:46 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear List Subscribers,
> As of today, I have ceased to be a moderator of all Stanford
> Liberationtech lists.
> I feel like Superman when he loses his powers, except I hope the ending is
> more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUORL-bvwA0.
> Just kidding. :)
> On a more serious note, I want to thank all of you for a wonderful 9 years
> of discussions about Liberationtech issues.
> I also want to thank you all for the arguing and jousting and name calling
> and... No, seriously, you were all great. I rarely had to step in to
> moderate.
> Although I know some disagreed with my moderation style of letting every
> message through and only permanently moderating those who were extremely
> disruptive, I feel proud that the list always tried to ensure unfettered
> freedom of expression.
> We now have approximately 4K members from around the world working to make
> the world a better place.
> I am not leaving, so this is not goodbye. It's more like, "see you later."
> I'll now be a regular member and as such be able to participate much more
> freely in discussions than I was able to do when I was a moderator.
> Take care, everyone, and keep up the good fight to protect pro-democracy
> activists fighting against authoritarian regimes.
> Best,
> Yosem
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations
> of list guidelines will get you moderated: https://mailman.stanford.edu/
> mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change
> password by emailing moderator at companys at stanford.edu.
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