[liberationtech] Latin American Center for Internet Research (C.L.I.S.I)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 22 08:49:22 PST 2017

Jose Luis,

Sounds like a great initiative. If you need any assistance from us to get
it off the ground, let us know. You might also want to contact the folks at
https://lists.accessnow.org/listinfo/redlatam to inform them as well.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 6:42 AM, Jose Luis Mendoza Marquez <
jluismendoza at gmail.com> wrote:

> Approach to reality:
> At the Ibero-American level there are many civil society organizations
> that are conducting independent research on the realities being
> developed around the internet. Many of these investigations can be
> circumscribed to a specific reality or need, being sometimes
> commissioned and therefore, exhausted in the commission. This
> research, carried out by capable people who represent an expenditure
> of resources, could serve as an input for the academic world, which
> has had in the region few approaches to the subject, considering it
> still novel, within the rigor required by the standards of scientific
> publications. This results in the need for a connection that allows
> this material to arrive and be used by academics, allowing also the
> replication and extension of these studies as is inherent to the
> scientific world.
> Diagnosis of the problem:
> There is a wealth of research and publications that are being
> developed and do not reach the academic/scientific world, accustomed
> to more traditional parameters that require some adaptation while
> being, however, fully compatible and only requiring small adjustments.
> In addition, the academic world develops its own inputs which it uses
> in its research, thus creating two circles that do not communicate
> with each other, and that could maximize the use of resources if they
> feed into each other.
> The proposal:
> The creation of a Latin American Center for Internet Research, with a
> presence in Latin America, which would establish links with main
> universities of countries of the region, thus allowing it to create
> lines of research with working groups to orchestrate research in the
> region, and also advise the various NGOs in ways to adapt their
> publications and research so that they serve as an input for the
> academic and scientific world. In addition, this Center would have its
> own publications that would allow it to give a way out of the
> scientific world to research that, having been born by commission, has
> scientific value and usefulness.
> Finally, the creation of a Public Lecture that would publicize the
> work of the research center through participation in academic events
> such as congresses, forums, symposia, etc., whether organized by third
> parties or by the research center itself.
> We have three clear lines of action; the first is a research center
> with links with the main universities in the region, but without being
> subject to only one, which allows autonomy of action, to develop lines
> of research clearly defined with working groups in the various
> universities. Second, the administration of various publications that
> will allow the dissemination of the work carried out by the working
> groups, as well as the product of research carried out by NGOs in the
> region or independent researchers, providing inputs to researchers and
> academics who seek to continue working on issues associated with the
> internet. Finally, a Public Lecture that organizes and follows up on
> its own academic events, as well as encouraging the participation of
> the associated researchers in diverse events to expand the reach of
> their investigations and contributions.
> --
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