[liberationtech] CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - Internet of Rights Fellowship - ARTICLE 19
Niels ten Oever
lists at digitaldissidents.org
Wed Feb 22 07:22:50 PST 2017
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - Internet of Rights Fellowship - ARTICLE 19
The Internet is shaping our societies but who is shaping the development of the Internet? And what standards should this development be based on?
The Internet of Rights Fellowship Program aims to facilitate stronger considerations for human rights within Internet governance processes and to shape the human rights agenda for the Internet. Currently, there is little diversity among participants in Internet governance proce sses, resulting in approaches to policymaking that are not open or inclusive. ARTICLE 19 seeks to effectively promote and protect key democratic values and increase the diversity of engagement within Internet governance forums, so that there is a greater pluralism of voices within these spaces that especially includes those that have been underrepresented until now.
Over the course of this program, Fellows will be introduced to the technical and policy discussions across the Internet governance landscape, and will be trained to meaningfully develop human rights considerations within these discussions. As a result, Fellows will be well-equipped to continue developing a robust approach to human rights within these technical communities beyond the life of the program.
The structure of the work will be very much based on training and mentoring while actively engaging in on-going Internet governance processes in the IEEE, ICANN, IETF and ITU. Work with us on concrete workstreams, or suggest your own project!
More information about the programme, the streams and the application process can be found here:
Length of the programme: 1 year (with the possibility of 1 year extension)
Start: May 2017
Deadline for application: March 17 2017
Which forums are focused on: IEEE, ICANN, IETF, ITU
Non-salaried (but travel to IG fora, accommodation and other costs are covered)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact mehwish at article19.org or me.
All the best,
Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital
Article 19
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