[liberationtech] Teach computer science to youth in Palestine

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Feb 21 08:56:37 PST 2017

From: Afeef Ahmed <afeef at alumni.stanford.edu>

We're looking for *15 undergrads or recent alums* who want to spend a
couple of weeks teaching coding or design thinking classes to Palestinian high
school students as part of the third *Code for Palestine* camp this
upcoming summer.  Volunteers will have all expenses paid, including their
airfare, to serve as the primary instructors.  The dates of the camp will
be around July 16 - July 31, 2017.  More details can be found here
the application form is also on that site

*Code for Palestine*: *Code for Palestine* launched in the summer of 2015
with the help of several Stanford students and alums who flew out to the
region.  The idea for the camp was spearheaded by The Portland Trust (NGO
operating in the region), and has since been adopted, funded and fully run
by the PalTel Group Foundation (charitable arm of the largest private
company in Palestine).  The goal is to get high school students interested
in computer science and to teach them the fundamentals through a two week
coding camp concurrently held in July in two locations – one in the West
Bank and one in the Gaza Strip. Together, the camps will have ~95 promising
Palestinian HS students interested in entrepreneurship/engineering careers,
along with some advisers from PalTel.

*What we're looking for*:  We want *15 undergraduate (or recent alum)
CS/MCS/Sym Sys/etc majors.*  Volunteers will have all expenses paid to live
in Palestine for 2-3 weeks with the Palestinian students, serving as their
instructors for the camp.  The curriculum has largely been created by
volunteers from the past two summers, but we're hoping to get some bright
minds - particularly those with a keen interest in youth education to
refine the curriculum and impart some of their coding / design thinking
knowledge upon these HS students.  Volunteers will also be taken on tours
around Jerusalem and the West Bank.

*If interested*:  Please apply here
*Friday, February 24th.*  If you have any other questions, please reach out
to Afeef Ahmed: afeef at alumni.stanford.edu.  Also feel free to forward to
friends who may be a good fit.


*David Xue *
Stanford University | Class of 2018
B.S. & M.S. Candidate, Computer Science
Minor Candidate, History
dxue at cs.stanford.edu <david.xue at gmail.com> | M: +1 (609) 802-4869

Alex Fu
Undergraduate Class of 2017
B.S. Candidate in Computer Science
Stanford University
+1 (650) 804-3893 <(650)%20804-3893> | alexfu at stanford.edu

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