[liberationtech] Should we start a new Stanford liberationtech-news list?

Andres Pacheco alps6085 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 00:21:51 PST 2017

 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white !important; } Cecilia,
What's the Peru anti-corruption story?
Are those tools mentioned related to social comptrollership?
This may connect to recent participatory democracy platforms in Spain in cities where local government control switched to new social movements after recent elections (while world press attention was stuck on the national elections impasse/deadlock) 
Also worth following: municipalities in the Guadalajara metro area now controlled  by citizens' groups (Tlajomulco de Zúñiga? Others?). 
Reminds me of this article mention Spanish / Brazilian cities, Istanbul:The open source city as the transnational democratic future 
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The open source city as the transnational democratic future

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On Sunday, February 19, 2017, 10:32 PM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017, at 1:19 AM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:

We should tweet about Peru. Perhaps that could be our theme for the day?

​Yep, good idea!  :)
I'm in love with Peru's fight against corruption!  (* o *)  ow! <3​ 
​I was compiling some material about ​projects against corruption in politics because my list needs updates.  Some of the projects are dead now (RIP) and I am VERY interested in AI being used against corruption in my country.  Two interesting and very recent examples, but are not in English, sorry!  :P
(FR)  http://www.lemonde.fr/chronique-des-communs/article/2017/02/11/une-carte-collaborative-de-la-corruption-en-france_5078252_5049504.html

(PT)  http://link.estadao.com.br/noticias/inovacao,brasileiros-criam-robo-para-atacar-corrupcao,70001662349
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