[liberationtech] Ideas to Improve Stanford Liberationtech

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 18 15:43:33 PST 2017

Hi All,

Thanks to Rich's message about the benefits of open-source mailing lists,
it looks as though we will keep the mailing list as is, except that we will
send a daily digest from Twitter in case anyone wants to discuss the news
items for that day (rather than create a dedicated news list).

The only other ideas proposed in this thread are below. They look good.
Anyone have any feelings pro or con Bram's proposal? Any concerns? If not,
anyone want to help make them a reality?

We are understaffed as some of our grants have run out, so we would be very
grateful t anyone who wants to volunteer to help make these new projects


On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 7:17 AM, Bram Wets <bram at privacytraining.org> wrote:

> Hi Yosem and all,
> Thanks for the invitation to share some ideas for Liberationtech.
> Idea 1:
> An idea list where the Liberationtech community can post ideas for
> projects, upvote (and downvote) them, put your name with an idea to
> contribute.
> This would facilitate your call for ideas/projects ;-)
> I actually like the format of software bugtracking. It maybe can be used
> for such an idea list. Or a github-like structure with pullrequests...
> Idea 2:
> An overview of tips, good practices, tools and apps for secure
> communication and digital privacy. And the organisations and platforms that
> work on this topic.
> Yes, there is a lot out there and some organizations already have done
> terrific work. So the focus has to be on the overview, not on doing all
> there work over again.
> Additionally we can add good practices in how to reach people and teach
> them those privacy tools.
> Best regards,
> Bram Wets
> Bram Wets
> co-founder
> www.privacytraining.org
> Unencrypted e-mail can be read by anyone! Talk to me in private using
> encryption. Here's my PGP public key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/
> lookup?op=get&search=0x919C9EBCA0430B96
> Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> schreef op 1 februari 2017
> 06:00:57 CET:
>> We are Stanford Liberatiiontech.
>> Our home page is here: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech.
>> To sign up to our 4K-strong mailing list, click here: https://mailman.
>> stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech.
>> We have also curated a list of Liberationtech content at
>> https://twitter.com/Liberationtech.
>> If you prefer to read our list as a newspaper, you could always check our
>> Paper.li account: http://paper.li/Liberationtech#/
>> Our Liberationtech blog has been dead for a while, but we are working on
>> reviving it. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know.
>> We also have a series of listservs on topics related to Liberationtech.
>> The most important lists are the following:
>>    - Events: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>>    liberationtech-events
>>    - Jobs: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>>    liberationtech-jobs
>>    - CfP: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>>    liberationtech-cfp
>> For the aforementioned lists, we try to compile a list of all events, job
>> opportunities, and call for papers related to Liberationtech from all over
>> the world.
>> It's not a comprehensive list, so your assistance would be helpful. If
>> you hear of a job, event, or cfp that would be of benefit to Liberationtech
>> subscribers, please let us know.
>> Finally, we want to take Liberationtech to the next level. What that
>> means, we don't know. But the world has changed a lot since we started back
>> in 2008: Censorship is on the rise. Internet freedom is on the decline. And
>> we have become much more of a community of hackers and cybersecurity
>> professionals who seek to protect vulnerable communities around the world.
>> So if you have ideas of projects you would like to see us take on, please
>> let us know. We want the Liberationtech community to drive the process. Any
>> idea is welcome. Dream big or small. Just let us know how you think we can
>> best help.
>> Thanks,
>> Yosem
>> (One of the moderators)
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