[liberationtech] Facebook: Building Global Community - What's your response to Mark Zuckerberg?
Cristina [efecto99]
efecto99 at riseup.net
Sat Feb 18 13:57:02 PST 2017
On 17/02/17 17:24, Thomas Delrue wrote:
> On February 17, 2017 1:32:46 PM EST, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:
>> I invite everyone to read and comment on Mark Zuckerberg's important
>> "Building Global Community" letter:
>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/buildingglobalcommunity
>> This is a special Facebook Group I've created to connect lots of
>> disparate communities for a unified conversation that I will share
>> with my contacts at Facebook.
>> You'll find a link to his letter and posts organized by the five key
>> questions Mark asks and posts to share media reports and more:
>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/buildingglobalcommunity/permalink/502366400151315/
>> Or jump straight to his letter: http://po.st/zuckglobal
>> Also, while I don't have my first tele meeting with a foundation on
>> this until next week, now seems like a good time to share
>> E-Democracy's draft proposal for Local Civic Facebook Groups:
>> http://po.st/civicfacebookgroupsgoogledoc
>> Zuckerberg's letter highlights the absolutely vital role of "engaged
>> leaders" creating "meaningful groups." E-Democracy's magic mix is
>> supporting YOU - those leaders - in local communities working to
>> create local community and civic life Facebook Groups that foster
>> inclusive and supportive local online communities that foster civic
>> engagement and informed communities. So, if you want to add your city
>> to the list of the 22 cities with volunteer interest, email me -
>> clift at e-democracy.org - with "Civic Facebook Groups" in the subject
>> line. We drafted most of this proposal in December, so we are ecstatic
>> that Facebook's next mission is so well aligned with our scrappy work.
>> Thanks,
>> Steven Clift
>> E-Democracy.org
>> P.S. You can jump in deeper now (we are just getting started):
> "Facebook guy tells world it needs to use more Facebook or face bad times", is that roughly the right summary of his 'insights' or am I way off?
> --
> Thomas
> (Sent from my mobile device, please forgive brevity or typos.)
It seems as a joke if wouldn't be posted HERE, on *Liberation tech*
mailing list: since when Facebook serves to the liberation of people!? I
must be reading a lot of fake news about Facebook the last....5 years?
(and i think I'm getting short).
So funny...
My 1st impulse to answer this email was to simply put:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor Surveillance where the Shadows lie.
Esta comunicación puede ser legal y/o ilegalmente recogida, almacenada y
utilizada por distintos actores. Si duda sobre el contenido a compartir,
evite enviarlo sin cifrar.
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