[liberationtech] Cybersecurity Lesson for HS Girls 02/25

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Feb 13 12:46:55 PST 2017

From: Maggie Rose Engler <mengler at stanford.edu>

Hi all,

I'm part of an organization called Girls Teaching Girls to Code that aims
to introduce computer science concepts to female high school students in
the area. On February 25, some of our high school liaisons are hosting
their own hackathon, and they're really excited about it.

During the workshop portion of the event, they are looking for people to
give a brief overview of some basic security concepts, as well as exercises
for them to complete. For example, the lesson could consist of a
presentation followed by simple CTF problems. It should last about an hour

The *total time commitment* would be probably be around *3 hours in total*
on the morning of *Saturday, February 25 *(I haven't confirmed exactly
whether it will be 10 to 11 AM or 11 AM to 12 PM, plus transit time to
the *MuleSoft
Headquarters *in *SF*).

If you're at all interested, please email me! We need a few more sets of
hands to make this workshop a success, but I have a lot of experience in
designing curriculum for this age group, and I'd be supporting every step
of the way.



Maggie Engler
B.S. Candidate in Electrical Engineering
Minor in Mathematical & Computational Science
Stanford University | Class of 2017
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