[liberationtech] OTF Funding Opportunities & Announcements

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 11 17:47:04 PST 2017

From: dan <dan at opentechfund.org>

Please find below several upcoming internet freedom-relevant funding
application deadlines. There are two sections, the first for OTF support
and the second for all alternative support mechanisms.

If you have any questions on the information below, please feel free to
give a shout to us at OTF anytime. Thanks!



OTF - Internet Freedom Fund

Deadline: 2017-03-01

The Internet Freedom Fund is OTF's primary way to support projects and
people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that
promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance
inclusive and safe access to global communications networks. Successful
applicants are awarded monetary support up to $900,000 and no less than
$10,000, with preference given to those projects and people who are new to
the internet freedom community, helping those living within repressive
environments, and are requesting less than $300,000 for a duration of less
than 12 months.

Apply: https://www.opentech.fund/requests/internet-freedom-fund

OTF - Core Infrastructure Fund

Deadline: 2017-03-01

The Core Infrastructure Fund supports building blocks of digital security
and circumvention projects. This may include efforts focused on sustaining
or improving PGP, SSL, SSH, Tor, OTR, pluggable transports, code libraries,
and other technologies used within the core building blocks of everyday
Internet Freedom technology used by people throughout the world to increase
their access, privacy, and security online.

Apply: https://www.opentech.fund/requests/core-infrastructure-fund

OTF - Rapid Response Fund

Deadline: Ongoing

The Rapid Response Fund is part of a broader OTF initiative which aims to
facilitate the development of a strong digital emergency response community
that can work together to resolve threats in a timely and comprehensive
manner. OTF offers both direct financial support as well as technical
services from trusted partners to resolve digital emergencies experienced
by high-risk Internet users and organizations, such as bloggers, cyber
activists, journalists. and human rights defenders.

Apply: https://www.opentech.fund/requests/rapid-response-fund

OTF - Labs

Deadline: Ongoing

For more specific, one-off support needs and services, check out OTF's
Labs: Localization, Community, Engineering, Usability, Red Team, and Legal.

Learn more about the Labs at: https://www.opentech.fund/labs



Department of State DRL - Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement

Deadline: February 10, 2017

"DRL goal is to promote fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the free
flow of information online through integrated support to civil society for
technology, digital safety, policy and advocacy, and research programs. DRL
invites organizations interested in potential funding to submit SOI
applications outlining program concepts that reflect this goal."

More information and apply here: https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/

Internews - Digital Security Content for Latin America

Deadline: Open; projects must be completed by November 1, 2017

"Internews está entregando entre $1,000 y $3,000 dólares en becas para
capacitadores/as latinoamericanos/as destinadas a producir contenido en
seguridad digital. Queremos que nos digas cuáles son tus necesidades y cómo
es que tu contenido responde a esas necesidades. Puede ser un manual para
un grupo específico, un video en YouTube sobre contraseñas fuertes, una
infografía que explique cómo funciona el Internet, una guía para otros
capacitadores/as, etc. No hay límite."

More information and apply here: https://docs.google.com/a/

Ford-Mozilla - Open Web Fellowship

Deadline: January 31, 2017

"The Open Web Fellows program...is an international leadership initiative
that brings together the best emerging technology talent and civil society
organizations to advance and protect the open internet. Each year, fellows
spend 10 months embedded at leading advocacy organizations to safeguard the
open Internet as a global public resource."

More information and apply here: https://mozilla.forms.fm/2017-

New America/OTI - Education Data Privacy & Security Fellow

Deadline: January 31, 2017

Seeking "...a two-year fellow to specialize in the intersection of
technology, privacy, and post secondary education. As the fellow, you will
research ways to protect student data privacy and security while preserving
the ability to gather insights about higher education outcomes for
particular schools, programs, and populations, as well as work with the
education data community at large to develop and advocate for practices
that fit that goal."

More information and apply here: http://newamerica.applytojob.

Microsoft - Affordable Access Initiative

Deadline: January 31, 2017

"The Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative Grant Fund seeks to support,
grow and scale innovative businesses that are developing technologies and
business models that have the potential to help billions more people
affordably get online. Areas of interest include last mile access
technologies, off-grid renewable energy solutions, and alternative payment
mechanisms, as well as verticals such as healthcare, education, and
agriculture. We will consider eligible applicants covering these areas and

More information and apply here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-

Rails Girls Summer of Code - Project Mentor

Deadline: January 31, 2017

"You wish to support women working full-time on Open Source projects for
three months, want to help newcomers get into Open Source and plan to
submit your project?"

More information and apply here: http://railsgirlssummerofcode.

Astrea - International Fund

Deadline: January 31, 2017 (for June 2017 cycle)

"Astraea's International Fund supports groups led by LGBTQI communities
working for progressive social change, addressing oppression based on
sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression, and advancing
work for racial, economic and gender justice."

More information and apply here: http://www.astraeafoundation.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism - Fellowships

Deadline: January 31, 2017

Three fellowships are available: The Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowship,
Google Digital News Fellowship, and Mona Megalli Fellowship, each lasting
3-6 months.

More information and apply here: https://reutersinstitute.

Internet Policy Observatory (UPenn) - Internet Policy Research Methods

Deadline: February 1, 2017; Workshop held April 10-14

Held at the National Law University in Delhi, India, this program "...will
bring together young scholars and activists working in digital rights and
the internet policy spaces in an intensive five day practicum that provides
a survey of both qualitative and quantitative, online and offline research
methods with the goal of enhancing and advancing their advocacy efforts."
NOTE: Workshop costs include travel to Delhi and a program fee of $500 USD.

More information and apply here: http://globalnetpolicy.org/

World Press Institute - WPI Fellowship

Deadline: February 15, 2017

"The WPI fellowship is offered to 10 journalists from countries around the
world. It provides immersion into the governance, politics, business,
media, journalistic ethics and culture of the United States for experienced
international journalists, through a demanding schedule of study, travel
and interviews throughout the country."

More information and apply here: http://www.worldpressinstitute.org/

Ford Foundation - Technology Fellow

Deadline: March 10, 2017

"Technology Fellows will enable the foundation to better serve the
technical needs of grantees, identify emerging opportunities and threats
related to technology, help develop networks and communities of social
justice mission-driven technology experts, and enrich the diverse
perspectives of the thematic areas program experts...Technology Fellows
positions will be embedded in each of the following thematic areas of work
for a two-year period: Creativity and Free Expression
Inclusive Economies
and Youth Opportunity and Learning
each will have its own Fellow."

More information and apply here: https://ford-foundation.forms.

Federal Trade Commission - IoT Home Inspector Challenge

Deadline: Submission window open March 1, 2017 - May 22, 2017

The FTC is looking for someone "...to create an innovative tool that will
help protect consumers from security vulnerabilities in the software of
home devices connected to the Internet of Things. The agency is offering a
cash prize of up to $25,000 for the best technical solution, with up to
$3,000 available for up to three honorable mention winner(s)."

More information: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2017/01/

Department of State Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City - NOFO: Public
Affairs Annual Program Statement

Deadline: August 30, 2017

Focusing on Public Diplomacy goals, proposals may address "Inclusiveness
and support issues related to: women, disabled persons, LGBT rights, ethnic
minorities, or religious minorities...Fundamental Freedoms: freedom of
expression, press, association, religion...[and/or] Rule of Law," among
other focus areas.

More information and apply here: http://www.grants.gov/web/


In addition to the open application windows listed above, you can always
check our compiled list of alternative sources of support:

This is the announce list for Open Technology Fund,
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