[liberationtech] CfPs: 'Big Data from the South'/'Big Data desde el sur'

Stefania Milan lists at stefaniamilan.net
Fri Feb 10 03:37:32 PST 2017

Might be of interest. Submit your abstract (English or Spanish) by March 1st.

[Español abajo]
Deadline for abstract: March 1st

Big Data from the South: From media to mediations, from datafication to data activism
Organizers:  Stefania Milan (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) & Emiliano Treré (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italia).

Critical scholarship has exposed how big data brings along new and opaque regimes of population management, control, and discrimination. Building on this scholarship, this pre-conference engages in a dialogue with traditions that critique the dominance of Western approaches to datafication that do not recognize the diversity of the Global South. Moving from datafication to data activism, this event will examine the diverse ways through which citizens and the organized civil society in the Global South engage in bottom-up data practices for social change as well as resistance to “dark” uses of big data that increase oppression and inequality.
Location: Cartagena, Colombia

Date and Time: July 15, 2017, 10am-6pm 
http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/big-data-from-the-south-from-media-to-mediations-from-datafication-to-data-activism/ <http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/big-data-from-the-south-from-media-to-mediations-from-datafication-to-data-activism/> 

Big Data desde el sur: de los medios a las mediaciones, de la dataficación al activismo de datos
http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/big-data-from-the-south-from-media-to-mediations-from-datafication-to-data-activism/?lang=es <http://cartagena2017.iamcr.org/big-data-from-the-south-from-media-to-mediations-from-datafication-to-data-activism/?lang=es> 

Organizadores: Stefania Milan (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Emiliano Treré (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italia).

Fecha y Hora: Julio 15, 2017 de 10am – 6pm

Descripción de la conferencia: La crítica académica ha hecho evidente cómo el big data implica nuevos y opacos regímenes de gestión demográfica, control y discriminación. Con base en estas elaboraciones, la pre-conferencia se involucra en un diálogo con las tradiciones críticas al dominio de las perspectivas occidentales sobre la dataficación, que no reconocen la diversidad del Sur Global. Trasladándose de la dataficación al activismo de datos, este evento examinará las maneras diversas en que los ciudadanos y la sociedad civil organizada en el Sur Global se involucran en prácticas de datos horizontales en pro del cambio social, así como en resistencias frente a usos “oscuros” de los big data que aumentan la opresión y la desigualdad.

Stefania Milan, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam & Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE || data-activism.net <http://data-activism.net/>
Associate Professor (II), University of Oslo
Councilor, Generic Names Supporting Organization, ICANN
mobile: [31] 62 7875 425 (NL) || [1] 647 - 973 - 6533 (CA) || [+39] 333 - 2309945 (I)
stefaniamilan.net <http://stefaniamilan.net/> || @annliffey
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