[liberationtech] Work on digital translation tech & immigrant communities?

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 7 13:31:05 PST 2017

From: Maisa Taha <taham at mail.montclair.edu>

Can anyone recommend work that's looked into the role of digital
translation technology -- including phone apps, e.g., Google translate,
text-to-voice or voice recognition interfaces -- in immigrant and/or
refugee experiences post-resettlement? Studies that aid in reflecting on
use of this tech in an applied context would be especially welcome.

Many thanks for any suggestions,
Maisa Taha

Maisa C. Taha, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dickson Hall 128
(973) 655-7933
Office hrs: F, 2:30-4pm or by appointment
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