[liberationtech] Decentralization

Richard Brooks rrb at g.clemson.edu
Tue Feb 7 07:10:41 PST 2017

On the other hand, why are they using gmail?

Our university outsourced email to Google. They
software up to date, handle the security, provide
convenient cloud access (I personally dislike
their GUIs),  etc. For our university, this decision
probably did make our email traffic more secure
as well.

I am not wild about the decision our university
made, but for most users using Gmail is probably
the more reasonable and secure choice. Not the
choice that I would make for myself. Being spied
on bothers me.

But, if you want to have the broad base of users
move elsewhere, you need to address the clear
advantages that Gmail provides.

Political, social, and economics arguments will not
convince most people.

On 02/07/2017 07:06 AM, Andrés Pacheco wrote:
> Signore Camozzo hit the nail on the head, twice. So then I have to draw the proper conclusion...
> 1. We need concerted action to set non-proprietary communication standards at the application level, much like the TCP-IP Protocols did for the lower layer(s)
> 2. This action HAS to be POLITICAL, since it's not just a matter of devising technical standards, but to have them ADOPTED by the majority. We need the 75% of his email correspondents to not use proprietary email platforms (and so forth and so on, and including me and this email itself!)
> Ergo, it is at best naive trying to separate "Technology" from "Politics:" all Technology is Political, and ignoring this only rubber stamps the technology of the proprietary powers that be.
> Not by chance it's Technology companies at the top of the "most valuable company of the world" food chain: Google and Apple. If that's not a political statement, then what is? Where is "the swamp?"
> Regards | Saludos,
> Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
> <alps at acm.org>
>> On Feb 7, 2017, at 5:34 AM, Alberto Cammozzo <ac+lists at zeromx.net> wrote:
>> So far so good, but what is it all for? ~75% of my email correspondents
>> use Gmail ...
>> You cant decentralize alone...
>> We need to fix this quickly or the information revolution will be lost
>> and archived as an annex of the industrial revolution.

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