[liberationtech] Email
Cecilia Tanaka
cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 21:47:31 PST 2017
Hi, Carolyn! How are you, my dear? Sorry, only read your message now! :P
Please, don't feel upset or annoyed. I swear that was not a moderation
fault, something proposital. They are *not* trying to censor you in any
sense, I swear, don't worry or feel rejected, please. There is no problem,
relax... <3
Really nice to meet you and your personal history, your feelings and
ideas. I sincerely thank you for sharing them, my dear. Domo arigatou
gozaimasu! <3
Every person is so unique... This fact always fascinates me. It's deeply
beautiful. This is the reason why I really detested so much the Muslim
ban, dear. Different people, different situations, different backgrounds,
different lives, different beliefs, hopes and dreams... It's pretty unfair
to judge all the persons the same way.
Every life is important. I respect all the human lives and I respect your
President's life and legal rights, and I swear I *always* will respect
them, but I do NOT respect his prejudiced beliefs, his disgusting acts and
hateful thoughts and speeches against women, LGBT people, black people,
Mexicans, Muslims, journalists, judges... Sorry, I can NOT respect him
because he does NOT respect people.
Sorry if my personal convictions hurt or annoy you. If you wish to
discuss this subject and my personal convictions in private, *please* feel
completely free to contact me. You can express your feelings and
impressions with no fear. Please, another personal observation, you don't
need to be a "passive list member". If you want more news about technology
here, you can share and/or ask for more interesting news and discuss their
effects in the society, or make questions, and so go on... The most
beautiful thing about communities is sharing knowledge, always learning,
always teaching. People are always fascinating, Santo-chan! ;)
Oh, sorry for mixing your last name and "chan", but "san" would be pretty
formal and you could feel a bit 'rejected'. :P I mentioned your last name
because I am still trying to discover which kanjis were used to write it.
When I read your last name, I thought it was a variation of a pretty usual
Portuguese/Brazilian last name, 'Santos'. It means "Saints". You're
"Santo", so you are only one "Saint", hihi... ;)
Please, don't feel annoyed or angry about the Lib Tech list. See, to make
you smile and minimize the stress, I will tell you a silly thought. Last
week, I wrote to my mom telling her I was considering to move to Japan and
already had chosen my future home! :D
This cute village: http://www.boredpanda.com/zao-fox-village-japan/ OR
one of these lovely islands:
<3 <3 <3
I think your President would appreciate the Japanese Cat Islands a lot
because he loves p... little cats! He loves kittens like me, hahaha!!
OK, sorry, no more provocations or bad jokes! I won't tell to this list
what I am doing to prove that "Brazil deserves to be the Second" millions
and millions of times more than all the European countries together,
hahahaha!!! ;D
After I finish to share some ideas with friends, I will announce the
invitation to all the Latin and South American hackerspaces. We all
deserve to be the Second too, hahaha!!! ;D
Tender kisses and warm hugs! Take care and be well, dear. <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison
On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 7:07 PM, lol at writeme.com <lol at writeme.com> wrote:
> Sending a 4th time from a different email address.
> Trying to send a third time since the first 2 attempts had a glitch.
> Happy February!
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Wow
> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 13:32:08 -1000
> From: Carolyn Santo <cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com> <cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com>
> To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Testing to see if the first email experienced a glitch.
> Editing to add that if you moved to help immigrants and refugees, donating
> to organizations who provide direct relief to people in Syria and other
> regions would be a more direct benefit than subscribing to the NY Times or
> donating to the ACLU.
> Respectfully,
> Carolyn
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Price of the #MuslimBan
> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 03:29:09 -1000
> From: Carolyn Santo <cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com> <cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com>
> To: liberationtech <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Cecelia and Wayne,
> I am Japanese on both sides of my family. One of my grandfathers in
> Hawaii burned family treasures because he was worried that anti-Japanese
> sentiment would lead to harm for his wife and children. My other
> grandfather abandoned a farm in Southern California and fled to Colorado
> with his wife and 5 children to avoid being put into an internment camp. I
> was lucky that both grandfathers lived until I was an adult so I could
> discuss these things with them see how it impacted them and my parents.
> My mother in law lived in Tokyo and was lucky her excellent English skills
> allowed her to work as a secretary for the US forces who were rebuilding
> Japan. She saw her countrymen scavenging through garbage cans in order to
> avoid starvation.
> I am young enough not to have experienced that type of hardship directly
> just because I'm Japanese. That said, I grew up in a predominantly white
> area in Colorado. In school was teased because I was Japanese. I verbally
> defended my little brother against physical bullies until he was old enough
> to defend himself.
> All these negative items have not led me to believe that we live in a
> racist country/society. I also don't automatically assume that America
> treats minorities poorly or infringes on non-white individuals' rights.
> I didn't find any reference to technology in Leila's email. I don't agree
> with her point of view. I wasn't happy that she used this list to solicit
> donations to the ACLU and to drum up subscriptions for the NY Times.
> As for factual errors, the most egregious is describing subscribing to the
> New York Times as upholding solid journalism:
> http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/why-ny-times-basically
> -doing-blackout-bernie-sanders
> http://thefederalist.com/2016/12/29/new-york-timess-resoluti
> on-accurate-reporting-doomed/
> Internet searches for ACLU controversies yield cases in which the ACLU
> takes positions which are not protecting fundamental rights. One major
> irritant for me is the ACLU position that a mother has a fundamental right
> to terminate the life of her unborn child. Doesn't the child have a right
> to be alive? Does a father have the right to have his child born instead
> of aborted?
> President Trump is NOT against religious diversity. Here is a list of the
> participants at the interfaith prayer service the day after his
> inauguration:
> - Carlyle Begay – Navajo Nation
> - Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington – Episcopal Church
> - James B. Magness, Bishop Suffragan for Federal Ministries –
> Episcopal Church
> - Randall Marshall Hollerith, Dean, Washington National Cathedral –
> Episcopal Church
> - Cantor Mikhail Manevich – Washington Hebrew Congregation
> - Rabbi Fred Raskind – Temple Bet Yam, St. Augustine Florida
> - Alveda King – Pastoral associate, Priests for Life, Atlanta, Georgia
> - Harry Jackson – Hope Christian Church, Beltsville, Maryland
> - Narayanachar L. Dialakote – Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Lanham, Maryland
> - D. Todd Christofferson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – The Church
> of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
> - Imam Mohamed Magid – All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center,
> Sterling, Virginia
> - Sajid Tarar – Baltimore, Maryland
> - Greg Laurie – Harvest Christian Fellowship, Riverside, California
> - Jack Graham – Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas
> - His Eminence Geron Archbishop Demetrios of America – Greek Orthodox
> Archdiocese of America
> - Rosemarie Logan Duncan, Canon of Worship, Washington National
> Cathedral – Episcopal Church
> - David Jeremiah – Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon,
> California
> - Ronnie Floyd – Cross Church, Springdale, Arkansas
> - David Swanson – First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, Florida
> - Jesse Singh – Chairman of the Board of Sikh Associations of
> Baltimore, Maryland
> - Ian McIlraith – Soka Gakkai International - USA, Los Angeles,
> California
> - Anthony Vance – National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the
> United States
> - Cissie Graham Lynch – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,
> Charlotte, North Carolina
> - Ramiro Pena – Christ the King Baptist Church, Waco, Texas
> - Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. – Roman
> Catholic Church
> - Darrell Scott – New Spirit Revival Center, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
> http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2017/january/trum
> p-washington-national-cathedral-prayer-service-lineup-e.html
> President Trump's actions are not hateful or bigoted. I've been impressed
> by his concern about the poor citizens in this country who live in
> dangerous neighborhoods in the inner city. He's promised to help make
> their lives better by fixing their schools, bringing back jobs, and making
> their neighborhoods safer. A huge number of those people are black or
> Hispanic. President Trump has been reaching out to those communities
> despite being labelled a racist by the MSM and having black and Hispanic
> protestors hurling f-bombs at him and attacking Trump supporters.
> Personally, I feel we owe much more to our citizens who are living in
> poverty than we do to immigrants and refugees who want to enter our
> country. Why isn't the NY Times writing stories about how focusing on
> international immigrants and diverting resources to refugees might offend
> our own citizens and could trigger more violent protests from Black Lives
> Matter and other similar groups?
> Very few people are talking about the fact that President Obama had a 6
> month ban in 2011 for Iraqi refugees. There were no protests at that time,
> probably because the "transparent" Obama administration did not make a
> public announcement at the time.
> For the record, I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I'm appalled at the
> violence toward Trump supporters and utmost disrespect shown to our new
> President. Crude language and walking around in costumes of female
> genitalia reflects badly on the protestors, not the target of their vitriol.
> Anyway, I'll go back to being a passive list member and hope that the
> focus shifts back to technology and ways it can help people. I'm sorry if
> my comments offended people.
> Peace,
> Carolyn
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations
> of list guidelines will get you moderated: https://mailman.stanford.edu/m
> ailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change
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