[liberationtech] InvestigatingTrump.com

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Mon Feb 6 05:31:54 PST 2017

Hi Jay,

You should send it to the author Michael Ravnitzky <mikerav at VERIZON.NET>
rather than me. I'm just the moderator.


On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Jay Cafasso <jay.cafasso at gmail.com> wrote:

> I get enough politics from Facebook. Generalized statements about any
> government leader is baloney. A specific issue is one thing. Not having a
> common frame of reference i. e. the temporary ban from specific middle east
> countries only shows the lack of understanding regarding that topic.
> Since you opened the door. The ban is temporary. The vetting issue was
> raised by the US DNI, D/FBI, D/CIA during Congressional testimonies during
> the Obama presidency. These security people thought a temporary halt so
> that the vetting process could be reviewed would be justified.
> Why did they say that? Because since 911, 20 immigrants/refugees notably
> from Iraq have been arrested by the FBI for conspiracy to commit terrorism.
> Of course you do not hear that from the babbling idiots we here in the
> States call a free press. I know this because part of my career involved
> chemical EOD operations in support of counterterrorism contracted to the US
> Government.
> If your good at a specific science. Stay there otherwise without a common
> frame of reference you'll make a fool of yourself.
> I have problems with President Trump and his view of pipelines under major
> rivers and his lack of concern for the environment.  Otherwise he is and
> will be no worse than the last six presidents.
> Regards...
> Jay Cafasso
> 12559 N400E
> Wheatfield, IN 46392 USA
> Cell: 219.816.0722 <(219)%20816-0722>
> Fax: 610-673-8495 <(610)%20673-8495>
> Home GPS - Lat 41.19509, Long -86.96737
> SN# - 36508
> CWOP - EW5446
> www.facebook.com/jay.cafasso.7
> Robin Storm SIT - A WRN Ambassador
> "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the
> wrong reason."   Murder in the Cathedral - St. Thomas Becket.
> Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National
> Weather Service "used with permission".
> On Feb 5, 2017 23:50, "Yosem Companys" <companys at tmp.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> The list is about using technology to promote democracy, development, and
>> help vulnerable populations, among other things. Some see U.S. President
>> Trump as inimical to these goals, especially with his immigrant ban, just
>> as there have been many conversations on the list about former U.S.
>> President Obama using technology for surveillance.
>> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 9:41 PM, Jay Cafasso <jay.cafasso at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Stupid shit! This listserv is getting further and further away from what
>>> it's stated purpose was to be. What's next ? UFO sightings?
>>> Jay Cafasso
>>> 12559 N400E
>>> Wheatfield, IN 46392 USA
>>> Cell: 219.816.0722 <(219)%20816-0722>
>>> Fax: 610-673-8495 <(610)%20673-8495>
>>> Home GPS - Lat 41.19509, Long -86.96737
>>> SN# - 36508
>>> CWOP - EW5446
>>> www.facebook.com/jay.cafasso.7
>>> Robin Storm SIT - A WRN Ambassador
>>> "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for
>>> the wrong reason."   Murder in the Cathedral - St. Thomas Becket.
>>> Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National
>>> Weather Service "used with permission".
>>> On Feb 5, 2017 22:39, "Yosem Companys" <companys at tmp.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>>>> From: Michael Ravnitzky <mikerav at VERIZON.NET>
>>>> Investigative Reporter Peter Lance has started a website called:
>>>> http://www.InvestigatingTrump.com
>>>> Michael Ravnitzky
>>>> mikerav at verizon.net
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