[liberationtech] InvestigatingTrump.com
Carolyn Santo
cysanto2 at hawaii.rr.com
Mon Feb 6 02:47:57 PST 2017
I like this idea. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Finding and sharing information is a good way to prevent
Yosem, please don't delete my responses. I believe the rules state that
a member will be warned if they post something that is unacceptable. My
long response to comments on a past email never showed up even though I
sent them twice. I carefully edited them so that they were respectful
in tone.
On 2/5/2017 9:54 PM, ernesto ortiz wrote:
> Wow! we lost the opportunity to investigate Obama (specially in his
> last days), or Clinton, or whoever in the Presidency; why not
> investigatingPower.com, or PresidencyFiles.com or something like that?
> It seems that these kind of nowadays fever has more to do with this
> current Presidente than with a real interest for truth or decency or
> solidarity or even the infosec... (I mean, it looks as a partisan or
> ideological matter).
> El 6/2/17 a las 5:39 a. m., Yosem Companys escribió:
>> From: Michael Ravnitzky <mikerav at VERIZON.NET
>> <mailto:mikerav at VERIZON.NET>>
>> Investigative Reporter Peter Lance has started a website called:
>> http://www.InvestigatingTrump.com <http://www.InvestigatingTrump.com>
>> Michael Ravnitzky
>> mikerav at verizon.net <mailto:mikerav at verizon.net>
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