[liberationtech] Should we start a new Stanford liberationtech-news list?

José María Mateos chema at rinzewind.org
Sun Feb 5 12:59:17 PST 2017

On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 03:41:18PM +0100, carlo von lynX wrote:
>> - I'd rather have two mailing lists only: one for discussions (all
>> type   of discussions) and one for announcements. If everything goes
>> into the   same list, at least have the announcements clearly tagged
>> so they can   be easily filtered.
>Okay, but please start with a clone of the subscriptions
>so we don't have to manually subscribe both to recreate
>the status quo.
>Also, please put an automatic Reply-To: in the announcements
>that leads to the discussion list. I personally would still
>merge both streams into the same folder because I find it
>interesting whenever libtech people have a comment to add to
>a piece of news.

Agree with this.

>>    - An e-mail with news every 10 minutes may be too much. Wouldn't
>> it be   better to have a daily news digest of some sort? Then anyone
>> could   start a discussion based on it.
>I guess most of us absorb the "news" by just grasping what
>the subject line says, then decide what is worth digging
>into. A digest format would impede that kind of fast absorption.
>Anyone who prefers digests can still choose the digest feature
>of the mailing list software... right?

Yes, as long as the Twitter news is sent to a list that doesn't include 
the discussions per se (or are flagged with a [Twitter] tag in the 
subject line so they can be filtered.)



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