[liberationtech] Should we start a new Stanford liberationtech-news list?

Jorge SoydelBierzo berciano at soydelbierzo.com
Sun Feb 5 05:45:39 PST 2017

I agree

El 5 de febrero de 2017 14:34:45 CET, "José María Mateos" <chema at rinzewind.org> escribió:
>On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 08:27:39PM -0800, Yosem Companys wrote:
>>Well, I was thinking that this list would be for discussion. The other
>>the sharing and discussing of news articles. Not every discussion is
>>initiated by news articles on this list.
>>Also, if you look at our Twitter stream, we often send tweets every 10
>>minutes a day, so it provide those who do not want to use Twitter to
>see a
>>review of the day's news right in their mailbox.
>>We could take a vote, but I rather let others share their ideas and
>>concerns before we do so.
>My take on this:
>- I'd rather have two mailing lists only: one for discussions (all type
>of discussions) and one for announcements. If everything goes into the 
> same list, at least have the announcements clearly tagged so they can 
>   be easily filtered.
>- An e-mail with news every 10 minutes may be too much. Wouldn't it be 
>   better to have a daily news digest of some sort? Then anyone could 
>   start a discussion based on it.
>My 2 cents.
>Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google.
>Violations of list guidelines will get you moderated:
>Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator
>at companys at stanford.edu.
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