[liberationtech] Invitation to a Twitter Storm on Safer Internet Day (February 7)

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Thu Feb 2 13:34:48 PST 2017

From: Amalia Toledo <atoledo at karisma.org.co>

Dear friends,

I wish you season's greetings in this new year.

The Karisma Foundation would like to extend to you the following invitation:

During the second semester of last year, the Karisma team with
Twitter's help has been working to adapt for Latin America the manual,
"Twitter Security, Protection and Privacy: A Guide for Survivors of
Abuse and Stalking."

In December 2016, we revealed samples of the manual at the
#FemHackParty in Guadalajara, México.

Today, we are very pleased to inform you that we will launch the
manual widely to celebrate the International Day of a Secure Internet
on February 7. In the manual, you will find, among other things,
explanations of different privacy options. In addition, you will find
an orientation on how to denounce, block, and inform Twitter of
situations of stalking or abuse.

On that day, we will launch the manual on our website and we will do a
Twitter storm. We hope that you can attend. The event will be a
digital action focused on sharing best practices for digital
platforms. We will also inform users on how to recognize signs of
possible abuse on Twitter. All of these initiatives are focused on
achieving our objecive of a free Internet, an Internet free of

I hope that you join us on February 7 from 3 to 5 pm (UTC-5). Let's
use our voice on that day and make a clear statement that we want an
Internet that is free of violence by using the hashtags #Fuerzaenmivoz
and #SaferInternetDay.

We invite you to take part in this action. We will diffuse content to
make the Internet a more secure place and to defend our freedom of
speech online.

We are looking forward to meeting with you on February 7 on Twitter to
share advice, strategies, and resources for Internet safety.

Equipo de la Fundación Karisma.

Amalia M. Toledo Hernández
Project Coordinator
Karisma Foundation
Fingerprint: BA8A A598 1C40 0E61 A493 049B 7894 17D7 A2D6 AA2A

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