[liberationtech] Report: Messenger apps during humanitarian crises

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Wed Feb 1 07:22:39 PST 2017


In some situations, messaging apps may be the only way that people caught
up in armed conflict or crises can communicate with family, friends or
humanitarian organisations. Many messaging apps have features that could
help humanitarian organisations to reach people who would otherwise be
impossible to contact, or to collect information that would otherwise be
inaccessible. This information can save lives.

Some humanitarian organisations have already started using messaging apps
to communicate with people and coordinate their activities – and many
others are thinking about it. But there’s still a lot that we don’t know.

How and why are people affected by crises or armed conflict actually using
messaging apps? When and how is it appropriate to introduce a new
technology that not everyone will be able to access? Could communicating
with people through these communication channels put them at greater risk?
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