[liberationtech] Paperback: Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism/Marx and the Political Economy of the Media

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Thu Dec 7 08:01:19 PST 2017

Now available in paperback:
Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism & Marx and the Political Economy 
of the Media
Edited by Christian Fuchs & Vincent Mosco
Haymarket Books 2017

200 years after Marx’s birth and 150 years after the publication of 
Capital Volume 1, capitalism continues to be haunted by crises, each 
bringing renewed attention to his works.

These two volumes present a total of 34 contributions on 1164 pages that 
explore the role of the Marxian analysis of communication in the age of 
digital capitalism and engage with foundations of the Marxian political 
economy of the media.

Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism

Marx and the Political Economy of the Media

Table of Contents:

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