Oludotun Babayemi oludotunbabayemi at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 07:31:23 PDT 2017


Dear Colleagues,

Four years ago, the world came together in an unprecedented moment of hope
and action to save 1,500 lead poisoned children in Northern Nigeria with
the Follow The Money SaveBagega Campaign
<https://share.america.gov/want-fight-corruption-follow-money/>. (

Since then, Follow the Money has impacted 157,822 livelihoods directly, and
now reaches nearly six countries across Africa. We are now creating a
unique platform to bring government accountability issues to the web,
mobile phones, radio, laptops and media of hundreds of millions of people
across the planet.

It has been your passion, sheer hard work and amazing creativity with
insufficient resources that has allowed Connected Development's (CODE)
<http://connecteddevelopment.org/> Follow The Money to weather the storm in
Nigeria. Engaging thousands of people and harnessing the critical mass
required to take it to the next stage - broadening the campaign to be a
citizen participation point, in time to mobilize and inspire as we
endeavour to transition into sustainability.

Though born out of a desire to bring the voices of people around the world
together to drive action on government accountability in our local
communities, it was always anticipated that Follow The Money will be much
more than a government accountability campaign. It aims to reach out to the
mainstream, not to the converted – or cynics – to build a movement that
celebrates what can be done, as opposed to what can’t, and to lay our hopes
for a sustainable Africa in the hands of the people – Follow The money: by
the people for Nigeria and Africa.

It is to this end that we have been working to build the next stage -
http://ifollowthemoney.org (Please Join, if you haven't) which can be used
to showcase, and share knowledge of how every individual counts in
mobilizing their communities for citizen action that promotes government
transparency and accountability.

*[Our Task]*

How do we rally, inspire and empower millions of people worldwide to take
Follow The Money to their various communities?

Join Us on Facebook Live Tomorrow, Saturday, August 5, 2017, at 10 am - 11
am (GMT+1); 9 am (GMT); 5 am (EST); 2 am (PST) on our Follow The Money
Facebook Page http://facebook.com/followthemoneyng - as we will be
discussing How to Follow The Money: Becoming a Community Champion ( 5 steps
to Follow The Money)

Please feel free to share this within your networks. We look forward to
having you contribute the little you can, to empower marginalized


Oludotun Babayemi
Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, Connected Development
<http://connecteddevelopment.org> [CODE]
Lead Development Consultant, Cloneshouse Nigeria <http://cloneshouse.com>

Stanford University Fellow on Democracy and Development
Consultant, Open Knowledge International <http://okfn.org/>

Cell: +234-813-490-8561
Twitter: @dotunbabayemi
Skype: dotunbabayemi
The Diary of Oluwasomidotun <http://oluwasomidotun.blogspot.com>
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