[liberationtech] Call for Papers: FOCI 2017 @ USENIX (May 26 deadline)

jon penney jonathonpenney at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 10:21:21 PDT 2017

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the 7th USENIX Workshop on
Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI ’17), which will take
place this summer in Vancouver, B.C., on August 14th.

FOCI is an interdisciplinary workshop co-located with the USENIX Security
Symposium that seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a
variety of fields focused on censorship, surveillance, and other practices
that inhibit free and open communications on the internet.

This year I am co-chairing FOCI with Nick Weaver (of Berkeley, ICSI, and
Lawfare fame), so let me know if you have any questions.  Among those on
the interdisciplinary Program Committee are folks like Roger Dingledine
(The Tor Project), Kurt Opsahl (EFF), Lex Gill (Citizen Lab), Molly Sauter
(McGill), and Nick Feamster (Princeton CITP).

One of the changes we made this year to encourage a broader range of
submissions is creating a "two track" submissions stream, one for
traditional FOCI technical papers and another for "law/social science"
papers drawing on law, policy, or social science, with more flexible
formatting and page limits. Please see the CfP attached for more details.

*Submission deadline is Friday, May 26, 2017, 8:59 p.m. PDT.*

I am cross-posting to a few lists that likely have overlap, so apologies if
you've received this CfP more than once!

Best, Jon

jon at citizenlab.ca | @jon_penney
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