[liberationtech] [iSchool #6705] FW: [TIER] Fwd: Looking for a Data Scientist to join Big data program (Staff position)

Melody Clark icareers at uw.edu
Wed Sep 21 10:52:12 PDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Temina Madon < tmadon at berkeley.edu (mailto:tmadon at berkeley.edu)>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:31 AM
Subject: [TIER] Fwd: Looking for a Data Scientist to join Big data program
(Staff position)
To: tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu (mailto:tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu)

Deadline to apply is Sept 28th - please circulate

  Begin forwarded message:

  ---------- Forwarded message ----------

  From: Jan von der Goltz < jvondergoltz at worldbankgroup.org (mailto:jvondergoltz at worldbankgroup.org)>
  Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 9:10 AM
  Subject: FW: Looking for a Data Scientist to join Big data program (Staff
  To: " jrising at berkeley.edu (mailto:jrising at berkeley.edu)" <
  jrising at berkeley.edu (mailto:jrising at berkeley.edu)>, " shsiang at berkeley.edu (mailto:shsiang at berkeley.edu)"
  < shsiang at berkeley.edu (mailto:shsiang at berkeley.edu)>, "
  kmeng at bren.ucsb.edu (mailto:kmeng at bren.ucsb.edu)" < kmeng at bren.ucsb.edu (mailto:kmeng at bren.ucsb.edu)>,
  Prabhat < prabhat.barnwal at gmail.com (mailto:prabhat.barnwal at gmail.com)>

  Friends –

  I hope all is well!

  Please see the job ad below (note the tight deadline). I wonder whether
  this is of interest to some of your students or others from your networks.

  I think this is going to be an exciting job – the Bank is pouring
  significant resources into this work, and the group is pretty empowered to
  really take this agenda and run with it. I would love to see them recruit
  someone top-notch. The one caveat is that they will be looking for someone
  quite a bit of work experience.

  Happy to talk if you know someone.



  From: Adarsh A. Desai
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 12:13 PM
  To: Big Data Community < big_data_community_internal_use_only at worldbank.org (mailto:big_data_community_internal_use_only at worldbank.org)>;
  Open Government Data Working Group (Extended) < ogdwg_ext at worldbank.org (mailto:ogdwg_ext at worldbank.org)>
  Cc: Trevor Monroe < tmonroe at worldbankgroup.org (mailto:tmonroe at worldbankgroup.org)>
  Subject: Looking for a Data Scientist to join Big data program (Staff

  Please help spread the word inside and outside.

  Job description and link to apply (deadline Sept 28)


  The big data program is seeking a Data Scientist with a background in
  operationalizing big data capabilities in large organizations. The position
  will work closely with the Senior Data Scientist and Program Lead to align
  the program activities with the World Bank’s knowledge strategy to improve
  operational performance.

  The solution areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Text and graph analytics on a wide range of enterprise information to
  produce analytic driven services (e.g. recommender systems)

  • Network analytics on data from mobile phones, automobiles and transit
  systems for better urban and transport planning; for monitoring the
  movement of people during and after disasters.

  • Machine learning and analysis of satellite imagery to estimate poverty,
  and to monitor crop yields, road conditions, and urbanization patterns

  • Topic modeling, natural language processing, and network analysis on
  social and online information to understand sentiment, patterns, network
  structure, behavior patterns to inform policy and program design

  Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a
  Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or
  Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term


  Adarsh Desai

  Program Manager

  W LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/adarshdesai) . Twitter (https://twitter.com/adarshdesai)
  . Blog (http://blogs.worldbank.org/team/adarsh-desai) . TED talk (https://youtu.be/fhcZfKNbvWY)
  | E adesai at worldbank.org (mailto:adesai at worldbank.org) | T +1 (202)
  473-8613 (tel:%2B1%20%28202%29%20473-8613)


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Website: http://tier.cs.berkeley.edu
TIER at tier.cs.berkeley.edu (mailto:TIER at tier.cs.berkeley.edu)

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