[liberationtech] Tackling Corruption in Africa.

Wendy Dent wendy at wendydent.com
Thu Oct 27 19:16:47 PDT 2016

Hello Zach,

Ghanian entrepreneur Bright Simons has been getting good recognition for
his work in this arena in Africa. His app detects counterfeit medicines,
which helps counter illicit trade (ie corruption) and of course save lives.

Bright is a colleague of mine (as a fellow World Economic Forum Young
Global Leader and Harvard classmate), so I can intro you if you like.

Technology, human rights and countering corruption (particularly illicit
trade) are topics I also focus on in my work, and speak on. I am always
keen to connect with other experts on, so do reach out if it's of interest.

Best wishes for your


Wendy Dent

Expert on Illicit Trade and Human Rights, World Economic Forum's Expert
World Economic Forum Young Global Leader
Writer/ Producer/ Director & Speaker
Media-Tech Entrepreneur: Founder/CEO Cinemmerse (shortly to release an app
to help counter corruption in the film industry)

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 12:19 AM, Zacharia Gichiriri <
zacharia.gichiriri at strathmore.edu> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Are there any current or past ICT projects aimed at tackling corruption in
> Africa? How effective have they been?
> What are some of the challenges facing or that faced such initiatives?
> Best,
> Zack.
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