[liberationtech] Hacking attacks on activists in Azerbaijan

Daniel Bedoya daniel at accessnow.org
Tue Oct 18 05:59:17 PDT 2016

On 10/17/2016 10:58 AM, Moritz Bartl wrote:
> On 10/14/2016 07:33 PM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:
>>> What I'm looking for here are people - an organization or otherwise - that
>>> can help with retroactive help - help in closing down fake profiles, help in
>>> recovering accounts.
>> I don't know of an organization like that...
> I know of Access Now's Digital Security Helpline, but I've heard mixed
> things about it: https://www.accessnow.org/help/ I've come across other
> organizations that wanted to provide services like that too, but nothing
> else in particular comes to mind.
Thanks for suggesting Access Now's Digital Security Helpline. We
followed up with the original poster and were able to address some of
the emerging concerns.


> Moritz

Daniel Bedoya
Incident Response Manager
Access Now Costa Rica| accessnow.org <https://accessnow.org>
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