[liberationtech] University of Michigan/SSRC Doctoral Institute on Global Media and Communication (May 2017)

Muzammil Hussain mzmmlh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 06:11:23 PDT 2016

Dear friends and colleagues: Michigan's Global Media Studies Initiative
with the Social Science Research Council will hold an inter-disciplinary
doctoral institute in May 2017, deadline for applicants is January 2017 --
please share with potential applicants; more details below and attached.

Dr. Muzammil M. Hussain | mmhussain.net
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


University of Michigan/SSRC Doctoral Institute on Global Media and
May 18th–20th 2017
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

The Global Media Studies Initiative at the University of Michigan in
partnership with the Social Science Research Council’s Transregional
Virtual Research Institute, “Media, Activism and the New Political:
InterAsian Perspectives,” is pleased to announce the inaugural Doctoral
Institute on Global Media and Communication. We aim to facilitate and
advance rigorous inter-disciplinary doctoral dissertation research on
global media and communication in a range of contexts worldwide.

We seek to create a sustained and diverse network of advanced graduate
students by providing the opportunity to give and receive critical feedback
on dissertations in progress.

By bringing together PhD students from media and communication programs
(and allied disciplines) from around the world, this doctoral institute
creates a space to discuss and develop critical approaches to the study of
global media and communication. The goals of the institute are as follows:

Deepen participants’ theoretical and empirical foundations for the study of
media and globalization.
Introduce applicants to the intersections of area studies and global media
and communication studies.
Foster comparative and cross- and trans-regional research, particularly
focused on InterAsian and Afro-Asian perspectives.
Facilitate logistical preparation for field research, archival research,
and other forms of
qualitative and critical research. Develop a diverse network of advanced
students working on their dissertations.

We are interested in receiving applications from PhD students from
communication, media studies, and related fields who are embarking on their
dissertation research in the areas of global and transnational media,
broadly defined. Productive topics may be area-specific or investigate
mobilities across countries and/or regions; consider the rapidly changing
technological landscape in shaping new temporal media rhythms and spatial
flows of information; look at global transformations in production cultures
and industry logics; design, entrepreneurship, and maker/tech cultures;
emergent user/audience practices; the history and contemporary politics of
media infrastructures and governance; media texts, genres, and trans-media
flows. This list is not exhaustive but intended to indicate the scope of
projects of interest to the institute.

The 2-day Doctoral Institute will include intensive feedback sessions on
each participant's dissertation project, including both faculty mentors and
peers, and an opportunity to distill the project in response to this
feedback. We will be running methods workshops, writing sessions, and a
workshop on academic publishing. By the end of the Institute, participants
will have had the opportunity to hone their dissertation research
questions, consolidate their methodological approach, and keep in focus
their longer-term publication goals.

Faculty Mentors
The institute will be led by a small group of University of Michigan
Communication Studies faculty and two other leading global media scholars
invited to serve as faculty mentors. Participants will also have an
opportunity to attend a publishing institute led by Mary Francis, Editorial
Director of Michigan Publishing. 2017 Institute Faculty include:

Aswin Punathambekar (University of Michigan)
Katherine Sender (University of Michigan)
Derek Vaillant (University of Michigan)
Paula Chakravartty (New York University)
Jonathan Gray (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

To Apply
A cohort of 10 PhD students will be chosen from an open, international pool
of applicants through a competitive selection process. Applicants must have
at least drafted a dissertation research proposal, but applications are
also welcome from doctoral students in the early phases of writing their

Application Deadline: January 10, 2017 | Notification of Decision: By
February 15, 2017

All applicants must submit the following materials via email to
globalcomm at umich.edu:

 Cover Letter (must include reasons for applying to the institute; summary
of research agenda; description of academic preparation).
 Current Curriculum Vitae (CV).
 Narrative description of the dissertation topic (no more than 8
double-spaced typed pages + a 2-page bibliography).
 Letter of Recommendation from Primary Advisor and/or Dissertation Chair:
Send directly to globalcomm at umich.edu, with subject line: Recommendation –
2017 Michigan Doctoral Institute Applicant.
Funding: We will be able to provide three nights’ accommodations and meals,
and partial
need-based travel funds. Students are encouraged to approach their home
institutions for
additional support.

Questions? Contact globalcomm at umich.edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aswin Punathambekar <aswinp at umich.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 4:43 AM
Subject: Michigan/SSRC Doctoral Institute on Global Media & Communication
To: "communication.faculty at umich.edu None" <communication.faculty at umich.edu>,
"communication.graduates at umich.edu None" <communication.graduates at umich.edu>,
comm-phd-alumni <commstudies-phd-alumni at umich.edu>

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to let you know that the* Global Media Studies Initiative*, in
partnership with the Social Science Research Council, has planned a
Doctoral Institute on Global Media and Communication starting next year
(May 18-20, 2017).

I've attached the flyer with this email (pdf) and the details are here as

I'd be grateful if you could circulate this. We would like to bring a truly
diverse group of students to Michigan next year for this workshop.

On behalf of the GMSI crew,
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