[liberationtech] Apply to the Engineers for a Sustainable World Class!

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Sun Nov 13 12:52:22 PST 2016

From: Nick Singh Hershey <nhershey at stanford.edu>

Are you interested in working on an engineering problem for a low-income
community abroad? If so, consider applying to the Engineers for a
Sustainable World class.

What: Engineers for a Sustainable World runs a two-quarter class in which
groups of 6-8 Stanford students work with a social enterprise on an
engineering project that will be deployed in a low-income nation. In the
summer, a few members from each team may be funded to travel and deploy
their technology. This year’s projects include a solar service station that
provides low-cost energy in the Philippines, a monitoring system for
micro-hydroelectric generators in Indonesia, and a quality tester for a
medical solar generator deployed in many countries. See the project
description sheet
for more information.

When: The class runs during winter and spring quarters for 1-3 units and
3-5 units, respectively. The course number is CEE 177X/S for undergrads and
CEE 277X/S for graduate students.

Who: If you are an undergraduate or graduate student at Stanford, you are
eligible to apply! For each project, preference will be given to meet the
needs of the team - see the project description sheet

Please apply here
by Tuesday, 11/15 at noon!!

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