[liberationtech] New Ph.D. Program in Technology Management and Organization Studies at UC Santa Barbara

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 11 11:10:46 PST 2016

From: Paul Leonardi <leonardi at tmp.ucsb.edu>

The University of California, Santa Barbara is pleased to announce the
launch of a new Ph.D. DEGREE in Technology Management. Applications are due
January 15, 2017 for matriculation in Fall 2017.

This new program is administered by UCSB’s Technology Management Program
(located in UCSB’s top-ranked College of Engineering),
whose internationally-renowned faculty include:

Steve Barley

Gary Hansen

Paul Leonardi

Kyle Lewis

John Mohr

Dave Seibold

Ambuj Singh

Bob York

*Why Pursue a Ph.D. in Technology Management?*

Scholars who study technology, innovation, and organizing are in great
demand across many fields including business, information studies,
communication, sociology and engineering. Yet most disciplinary-based
programs, be they in the social sciences or in engineering schools, do not
train Ph.D. students with the right mix of skills to understand both the
organizational and technological aspects of work. The Ph.D. Program in
Technology Management fills this void.

*Is a Ph.D. in Technology Management the right fit for you?*

We seek students who want to become exceptional scholars and who will go on
to research and teach at top universities across the country and around the
world.  You would fit our program well if you are interested in
technology-related work regardless of whether you have a background in the
social sciences, physical sciences, management or engineering.  Our program
integrates organizational studies with technology and innovation studies in
an interdisciplinary environment that transcends the distinctions between
disciplines.  If you come from a technology or scientific background we
will teach you about the importance of organizations and social systems.
If you have a social science or management background you will learn to
understand the role of technology and innovation in shaping organizational

*Where can our Ph.D. take you?*

The job market for interdisciplinary Ph.Ds. with training in technology and
organizations is expected to be strong over the next decade. We anticipate
that most graduates will pursue academic positions in Business Schools
(where the study of technology innovation and entrepreneurship is
growing), Schools of Communication (where the study of organization and
technology is increasing swiftly), in Schools of Information (which are
being rapidly founded across the country), and in Schools of Engineering
(that are increasingly interested in the social aspects of technical work).
Unlike the demand for Ph.D. tenure track faculty in many other disciplines,
the number of tenure track openings in these schools exceeds the number of
Ph.Ds. awarded each year, and that gap is increasing.

*Why UCSB?  *

UCSB is world renowned for its interdisciplinary culture, which encourages
collaboration across disciplinary boundaries and exciting new
interdisciplinary fields and programs. Our *faculty*
<https://tmp.ucsb.edu/faculty> is world renowned for its commitment
to interdisciplinarity; we have backgrounds that range from engineering and
management to the social sciences.  Our Ph.D. students are encouraged
to explore courses and to make links to faculty in the social sciences,
environmental science, and other engineering departments.

The Technology Management Program is housed in the *College of
Engineering, *which ranked as number one in the world among public
universities for engineering research. The National Research Council ranks
all of UCSB's College of Engineering research programs among the top five
for their disciplines.

*Learn more about this new Ph.D. Program here*: https://tmp.ucsb.edu/phd

For more information about the Ph.D. Program, please contact Paul Leonardi (
leonardi at tmp.ucsb.edu) or Kyle Lewis (klewis at tmp.ucsb.edu)

Thank you for forwarding this announcement to prospective students.

Paul Leonardi

Duca Family Professor of Technology Management

Investment Group of Santa Barbara Founding Director, Master of Technology
Management (MTM) Program

University of California, Santa Barbara


leonardi at tmp.ucsb.edu

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