[liberationtech] Best hashtags? Crowd-sourced links to deep election night buzz

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Nov 7 10:39:12 PST 2016

From: Steven Clift <slc at publicus.net>

Join me in this Google Sheet:

Let's gather the - BEST - hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, etc. to soak in
the election night results and chatter.

I have one sheet for US national political/election hashtags and one for

Add the ones for your state now!

I have a proposal, if you are talking about results from a state, add a
hashtag like:

#VoteOH for Ohio, etc.

This way we can easily tune into reports from the field ...

Also, how about promoting #letmevote with Facebook Live for people to
record/broadcast that they are having troubles voting. Add #VoteOH (etc.)
and you'd be more visible locally.

Like #votingselfie (and #ballotselfie ) is being used, but a bit more news

You can search for Facebook Live videos by dropping the # people the
hashtag text.


The map of "live" Facebook Live broadcasts is here:

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