[liberationtech] Crowdsourcing Digital Policy

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue May 31 18:53:04 PDT 2016

From: Steve Anderson <steve at openmedia.ca>

Hi all! As my role has changed
OpenMedia I've had a chance to do something a little different -- give some
deeper thought to how we operate and share some of what we have learned
about digital engagement over the last many years. First up is our approach
to crowdsourcing <https://openmedia.org/en/crowdsource> engagement.

OpenMedia is increasingly asked to share how we crowdsource input for our
campaigns and policy work. These requests have been coming from other
non-profit organizations (including some of you!) and more and more from
those working in government as well.

This is an exciting development, so I decided to put OpenMedia's core
principles for crowdsourcing together in this blog post
<https://openmedia.org/en/crowdsource>. Input is very much welcome.
Here's the blog: https://openmedia.org/en/crowdsource

I'd also love it if you could share on Facebook
 or Twitter
further the dialogue.

*Steve Anderson*
Executive Director, OpenMedia.ca
http://openmedia.ca <http://www.openmedia.ca/>
steve at openmedia.ca

Follow me on Twitter <http://twitter.com/Steve_Media>
Friend me on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/Steve.Media>

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