[liberationtech] New Website for Civil Society Coordination Group

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue May 31 13:04:08 PDT 2016

From: Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new CSCG website at

The Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) exists solely to ensure a
coordinated civil society response and conduit when it comes to making
civil society appointments to outside bodies. It comprises representatives
of the coalition members of the Best Bits, Association for Progressive
Communications, Internet Governance Caucus, Just Net Coalition, and
Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group of ICANN.

The CSCG has co-operated with such bodies as international Telecomunication
Union, WSIS+10, UNDESA, Internet Governance Forum, CSTD Working Group on
Enhanced Cooperation, Netmundial Conference and Intiative and 1Net
Initiative to nominate a diverse range of civil society members as speakers
and members of committees and working groups

We need to particularly thank Akinremi Peter Taiwo for his great work on
the design and building of the site, and also our Webmaster, Norbert
Bollow,  for getting the site up and running.

And also many thanks to the CSCG Working Group (of which Akinremi Peter
Taiwo and Norbert Bollow are members) for their work in reviewing the site
and making a range of positive suggestions for its improvement.

There will be more changes in the future, but it is great to see the new
(and much improved) site up and running!

Ian Peter
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