[liberationtech] Introducing SilentKeys Secure Keyboard

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Thu May 26 23:22:05 PDT 2016


thanks for the new project. But please stop using grandmothers (or
mothers) as an example for your typical non-tech person.


Am 26.05.16 um 23:40 schrieb Iann De Maria:
> Hello Libtech,
> we're Preevio, we're behind the SilentKeys project (
> https://getsilentkeys.com - http://hvaudvqty72cxnbo.onion ) and someone
> suggested we share it with you over here. Some of you may have heard
> about it via the Tails mailing list. To put it bluntly, SilentKeys is a
> Tails fork inside a clever keyboard tailored for our Grandmas and
> technophobic friends (you know, the kind who'll buy a new computer just
> because windows updates went titsup). We are aware there are no silver
> bullets in infosec, and that for most people reading this, SilentKeys
> probably doesn't seem like much.
> Yet we're pushing this project for folks who'll never come to crypto
> parties and just want to browse, bank, shop, research or talk in
> relative (yet way higher than WiniOSXid) safety. People who want to use
> their computers without having to worry about whether or not their OS or
> ISP is snitching on them, if malware is stealing their data or if
> they're leaving crumbs all over. We want to help them get easy access to
> robust respectful computing, identity, usage and data
> compartmentalization, encryption by default and quite simply to enable
> easy access to a secure and private digital space.
> We believe our technical choices (including using Tails infosec design),
> a familiar yet sleek hardware format as well as physical separation and
> hardware “read-only-ness” are novel mainstream propositions and fit our
> bill. We believe SilentKeys dodges the pitfalls of the dreaded "false
> sense of security". You're welcome to disagree of course, and by coming
> out like this we really wish to engage in order to get constructive
> feedback.
> We envision SilentKeys as a collective and collaborative project
> designed to give more visibility to privacy awareness, free software
> (and its considerable security benefits), digital decentralization and
> encryption to the general public.
> We want to help massify open-source encrypted software usage and traffic
> to dilute and hinder targeted scrutiny of people who really depend on
> those to report news, protect their privacy and insure both their
> integrity and a reasonably safe access to the Web. This is about
> securing the end point, encrypting traffic, upholding anonymity and
> doing our part by raising awareness.
> We want to help improve security and privacy ecosystem's UX, generate
> resources to properly and consistently support open software/network
> development (both commercial and non-commercial : foundations, NGO's,
> Tor relays etc) to make everyone who cares safer. It shouldn't matter
> whether they're geeks or not or whether they use SilentKeys or not. Our
> project is one brick amongst many which we hope will appeal and cater to
> a new, wider audience, the kind of people that may be technically
> challenged or frightened but are morally exasperated or infuriated by
> the privacy seppuku that ads, govs and big corps are pushing for.
> Thanks for reading, we'd be happy to answer any questions you have and
> we welcome both feedback and suggestions.
> We're reachable here and via e-mail, Tox, OTR and Telegram.
> Preevio Team.
> *Iann De Maria*
> +33 (0)695 933 867
> getsilentkeys.com
> <https://getsilentkeys.com>We're on Twitter! <https://twitter.com/preevio>


Jabber: _anne_ at jabber.ccc.de

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