[liberationtech] Job opening: Ass. Professor in Digital Humanities and Information Cultures at the University of Amsterdam

Carolin Gerlitz carolin.gerlitz at gmail.com
Tue May 24 05:16:05 PDT 2016

Assistant professor in Digital Humanities and Information Cultures
Faculty of Humanities – Department of Media Studies

Level of education
Salary indication
€3,400 to €5,288 gross per month
Closing date
30 May 2016
38 hours per week
Vacancy number

The Faculty of Humanities <http://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/organisation/faculties/faculties/faculties/content/folder/faculteit-der-geesteswetenschappen/faculty-of-humanities.html> provides education and conducts research with a strongly international profile in a large number of disciplines in the field of language and culture. Located in the heart of Amsterdam, the Faculty maintains close ties with many cultural institutes in the capital city. There are almost 700 employees affil- iated with the Faculty, which has about 6,000 students.
The Faculty of Humanities offers assistant professors the opportu- nity to collaborate with leading researchers at research institutes that - partly as a result of their multidisciplinary approach - are world-renowned. Moreover, you will be teaching in a dynamic con- text in which new educational methods are being developed.
Together with other new assistant professors you will participate in a comprehensive introductory programme. You will be supervised closely during the first year of your appointment. Additional didac-  tical training is also part of the appointment. Based on the candi- date's educational portfolio, previously acquired competences will be taken into consideration.

Job description
The candidate will bring to the position a relevant and innovative research agenda in the areas of Digital Humanities and Information Cultures and will be especially interested in the critical study, de- velopment and application of digital methods, techniques and tools. The study of Digital Humanities within Media Studies con- cerns both contemporary and historical periods, and also tran- scends the individual disciplines within the field. Candidates will be at home in more than one sub-discipline, demonstrated by experience in working with data collections of different types, both digitized and born-digital. In the study of information and media (broadly understood as books, artworks, audio-visual media and digital media), digital research materials are evolving in spectac- ular fashion, leading to new research affordances that require a critical approach to media as information, as well as to how digital media structure the reuse and interpretation of born-digital and historical data. The successful candidate is expected to bring to- gether researchers working in Digital Humanities, Information Cultures and Media Studies and aim to acquire funding for collab- orations by actively participating in one of the research schools in the Faculty of Humanities. Whilst the successful candidate is free to choose his/her research affiliation, he/she would be asked to make a contribution to the Amsterdam Centre for Cultural Heritage and Identity, one of the University of Amsterdam’s research priority areas.
The candidate also will play a major role in teaching courses and in curriculum development in the bachelor, Media and Information (in both the Information Cultures as well as the New Media tracks, in- cluding the minor in Digital Humanities), and in the master pro- grams in Information Cultures, Archival Studies and/or New Media & Digital Culture. Furthermore, the candidate is expected to be an ambassador for the research programs and actively liaise and work with stakeholders both within and outside of the university sector.

Relevant PhD degree, or PhD defense date scheduled before start of contract, in the area of humanities;
programming skills and/or skilled use of software for data analysis;
experience in research and excellent research skills, evidenced by publications in renowned international academic journals / edited volumes;
several years of teaching experience at the university level and demonstrable didactic abilities and / or training, evidenced by an educational portfolio;
experience in an academic position where research and teach- ing are combined;
experience with digital and audio-visual equipment; affinity with the use of  ICTs in academic education;
capable of functioning at all levels in more than one programme of study;
organisational experience and skills;
reliable team worker;
thorough knowledge of Dutch and English; non-native Dutch speakers are requested to achieve competency in Dutch within two years.
Further information
Prof. Richard Rogers <mailto:r.a.rogers at uva.nl> 
The appointment will be a tenure track appointment, for 38 hours a week. The initial appointment will be two years. Depending on teaching evaluations and professional assessment, tenure will be granted after two years. The gross monthly salary will range from €3,400 (scale 11) to €5,288 (scale 12), based on a full-time ap- pointment (38 hours a week). The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities <http://www.vsnu.nl/en_GB/CAO> is applicable.

Job application
Applications including a detailed curriculum vitae and two names of referees should be sent no later than 29 May 2016 to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. F.P.I.M. van Vree via our email ad- dress solliciteren2016-FGW at uva.nl <mailto:solliciteren2016-FGW at uva.nl>. Please state vacancy number 16-224 in the subject line.

No agencies please

Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Assistant Professor in New Media
Program Director MA New Media & Digital Culture

University of Amsterdam
Turfdraagsterpad 9
1012 XT Amsterdam

c.gerlitz at uva.nl <mailto:c.gerlitz at uva.nl>
http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/c.gerlitz/ <http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/c.gerlitz/>
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