[liberationtech] Fwd: Call for Participation for the first FSFE summit

Moritz Bartl bartl at renewablefreedom.org
Sun May 22 03:11:41 PDT 2016

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Call for Participation for the first FSFE summit
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 13:25:41 +0200
From: Erik Albers <eal at fsfe.org>
Organization: Free Software Foundation Europe
To: discussion at fsfeurope.org

Dear list,

Imagine a European Union that builds its IT infrastructure on Free Software.
Imagine European Member States that exchange information in Open
Standards and share their software. Imagine municipalities and city
councils that benefit from decentralized and collaborative software
under free licenses. Imagine no European is any longer forced to use
non-Free Software.

This is what we are seeking. And although this vision feels like a long
road to go, we know that we are taking major steps along it today. If
you like to inspire us on this journey, sent your submission to the
first FSFE European summit until May 29:


For any questions, do not hesitate to directly ask me. Forwarding this
mail to any interested people is encouraged.

Best regards,

FSFE summit - Call for Participation: https://fsfe.org/summit16
Save the date: September 2 - 4, 2016 - BCC Berlin, Germany
Hashtag: #FSFEsummit - Picture: http://polr.me/vfc

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