[liberationtech] Towards a Public Communication and Information Infrastructure

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Tue May 10 15:23:32 PDT 2016

Folks with an interest in the "delivering community power" proposal might
also find this of interest...(its something of a riff off that proposal



On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Fenwick Mckelvey <mckelveyf at gmail.com>

> Hi Doug,
> I haven't had much time to look into it, but there has been some
> discussion in Canada about linking reforms to the postal system with
> community broadband: http://www.deliveringcommunitypower.ca/
> Lots of talk happening as part of our regulator's discussion of broadband
> as a basic service: http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/internet.htm
> Best,
> Fenwick
> On Sun, 8 May 2016 at 23:57 Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
> wrote:
>> I'm currently working on a short paper — basically an editorial or op-ed
>> — on the idea of an open-ended, non-profit, citizen-led public alternative
>> communication and information infrastructure project. I’m not exactly sure
>> what that means but I’m envisioning something that supports a variety of
>> basic features that people use (search, chat, photo posting, etc. etc.) as
>> well as more advanced features such as deliberation, discussion,
>> collaboration, decision-making, etc. It would probably need to be built
>> with federated, integrated, distributed open source modules and be governed
>> by its users and developers in some sort of open public way. It would be
>> used without surveillance, data harvesting, censorship. The paper won't be
>> long and it certainly won't be authoritative or comprehensive; at this
>> point I'm just trying to help surface the idea and get feedback.
>> My plan is to build the case somewhat in the paper and to suggest some
>> ideas that are likely to be useful in thinking about moving forward. That's
>> why I'm writing to you all.
>> If you have any points or suggestions or examples that I need to know
>> about as I work forward I'd love to hear them. I probably won't be able to
>> incorporate everything in this initial piece but, ideally, as time goes on,
>> the suggestions you make would help inform the project.
>> Please send me your thoughts on this.
>> Thanks!!
>> — Doug
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