[liberationtech] Cairo's Hackerspace Shutdown after government raid

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed May 4 20:09:54 PDT 2016

From: Tarek Ahmed <tarek.alsabagh at gmail.com>

We don't have a space at the moment so things are a bit up and down in
trying to run workshops and complete projects.

As for the situation, it's still complicated.Essentially we have had
problems since the raid on Townhouse in December. There aren't any
legal repercussions for us directly as of yet, but we are also trying
to avoid any inflammatory situations with the government. We are still
brainstorming on ideas for funding a new space, but it is nearly
impossible to accept foreign funds in Egypt anymore. We wrote a
clarifying post on our website here if you'd like to read:

Thank you for your support.

Tarek Omar
Director | Cairo Makerspace
Mob : +201225429869
Cairo Makerspace

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