[liberationtech] Fwd: Global Day of Citizen Action: Call for events

Arzak Khan director at ipop.org.pk
Wed Mar 30 22:45:30 PDT 2016

Hi Steve, 
Thanks for sharing this. We at Internet Policy Observatory Pakistan would like to participate in this and organize nationwide events. 
Please guide us on how to further proceed. 
Arzak Khan 

Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 15:15:30 -0500
From: clift at e-democracy.org
To: poplus at googlegroups.com; newswire at groups.dowire.org; practitioners at ecampaigningforum.com; liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu; brigade at codeforamerica.org
Subject: [liberationtech] Fwd: Global Day of Citizen Action: Call for events

Anyone planning digital citizen action activities on May 14? Let me know. - Steve, clift at e-democracy.org

From: CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation <partnerships at civicus.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Global Day of Citizen Action: Call for events
To: clift at publicus.net
















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Global Day of Citizen Action: Call for events

On Saturday 14 May, 2016, people around the world will share their views on ‘civic space’ – the freedom of expression, association and assembly. 

In 2014, the first Global Day of Citizen Action drew 20,000 participants through 48 events, spanning 26 countries. In 2015, participation leapt to 30,000 people engaged, with 116 events in 56 countries. 

In 2016, we invite you to host an event and help make an even bigger impact on this year’s Global Day of Citizen Action. 

Why it’s important:

Civic space exists when individuals and organisations have the freedom to speak out, organise and take action. But in many places around the world, civic space is under threat. This can take many forms, including: repressive laws; increased surveillance, direct repression and arrest of citizens; and restricting the operations and financing of civil society groups.  

By taking part in the GDCA, you can help shape our understanding of the degree to which civic space is free or restricted in different parts of the world. This is done by engaging ordinary citizens and asking people whether they feel free to speak out, organise and take action. This allows citizens to give their opinions on civic space and allows civil society organisations to create awareness about citizen’s rights. 


On 14 May your organisation can host an event in a well-known public space within your town or city, where you can maximise exposure to members of the public.


Using materials provided on the resource page of our website, you can give out flyers and ask people one simple question: "Are you free to: speak out / organise / take action in our country?" 

Individuals will be asked to write their answers on a board and organisers will take photos of the individuals holding the boards (see last year’s photos here). Photos can then be uploaded onto the 2016 GDCA Flickr group and shared through social media, using the hashtag #CivicSpace. 

This simple action directly engages with individuals around the issue of civic space. With materials in various languages and an idea that is easily replicable, we can raise awareness about the issue with members of the public in many countries globally.

Additional activities are optional but could include: a public speaker; march or demonstration; petition; or film screening that relates to democratic rights and civic space.



	Participate in this event to show global solidarity! 
	Create awareness about the freedoms of expression, association and assembly – which are crucial for all of civil society.
	Share the voices of ordinary citizens and engage with them on issues that matter. 
	Receive recognition for your organisation through press coverage, social media and campaign promotion.


	Visit our online Global Day of Citizen Action webpage. Creating an event is easy and details can be shared on social media.
	Once created, your event details will searchable, allowing others to find your event and participate. 
	If you are unable to host an event, you can share your opinion online through a virtual poster. Simply go to the Global Day of Citizen Action website on 14 May and follow the easy instructions. You will have the option of sharing your poster through social media.

Grants of around USD 800 are available to paid-up CIVICUS Voting Member organisations. If your organisation requires financial assistance to host an event and you are eligible as a Voting Member organisation, please fill out the grant application form by 10 April, 2016. 

If you would like to upgrade your organisation’s status to be eligible for the grant, please contact us on membership at civicus.org as soon as possible.


Should you have any questions or require further information before deciding to host a GDCA event, please feel free to contact us at bethechange at civicus.org


Thank you for supporting our third Global Day of Citizen Action!


CIVICUS Memberships Team









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