[liberationtech] Ford Foundation Technology Fellowships - Deadline March 25

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Wed Mar 23 07:55:27 PDT 2016

If you'd like to spend a couple of years in NYC, the Ford Foundation
has three interesting Fellowships. If was't fully nested with my
family in Minneapolis, I'd definitely stick in an app. But since I
work globally virtually, it would be great instead to have some really
talented *and* online engaged people in these roles.

The three fellowships are:
* Equitable Development
* Civic Engagement and Government
* Gender, Racial and Ethnic Justice.


Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy.org
   clift at e-democracy.org  -  +1 612 234 7072
   @democracy  -  http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
   http://1radionews.com - My radio app

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