[liberationtech] Research re: Virtual Volunteering

Jayne Cravens jc at coyotecommunications.com
Thu Mar 10 20:14:59 PST 2016

I've updated the page on the Virtual Volunteering wiki that lists 
research and evaluation reports regarding online volunteering / virtual 
volunteering, including studies on the various different activities that 
are a part of online volunteering such as online activism, online civic 
engagement, online mentoring, microvolunteering, or crowd-sourcing, etc. 
These are not opinion or PR pieces - these provide hard data, case 
studies, etc.

The list is here:

If you have any additions for the page, please let me know off list. If 
the page gets further updated, I'll note it here on the ARNOVA list.

-- Jayne

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

The web site - http://www.coyotecommunications.com
The email - jc at coyotecommunications.com
Me on Twitter, other social networks, & my blog:

Author: The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
More about the book, and how to buy it
(as a paperback or as an e-book):

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