[liberationtech] Post Doc Position in WTO at the Stanford School of Engineering

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 7 11:45:30 PST 2016

From: Pamela J Hinds <phinds at stanford.edu>

We’ve just posted a post-doc position in WTO and figure that you’re about
the best group around to know who would fit here.  Please pass this along
to anyone you think it would be great to have around the WTO for a few
years and, of course, let us know who you’d recommend!  We’re especially
interested in candidates who would be great role models and mentors for our
Ph.D. students

Thanks much,

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Center for Work, Technology, and
Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
The Center for Work, Technology and Organizations seeks a full-time
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with Ph.D. training in Organizational
Behavior, Organizational Theory, Management, or related disciplines. A
successful candidate will have conducted research, broadly, on topics
related to work, especially modern-day work.  A strong theoretical
foundation and evidence of the ability to publish in top management
journals are preferred.  The fellow will be expected to be an active
participant in Center lab meetings and colloquia and to mentor Ph.D.
students. There are no formal research or teaching requirements.

§  The purpose of the post-doctoral fellowship is to contribute to the WTO
intellectual environment as well as provide a context in which the fellow
can advance their own research agenda
§  Funded 100% for 2-3 years
§  Active participation in the WTO and Stanford academic communities
§  Salary is commensurate with experience and background, and includes the
full Stanford University benefit package
§  Fellowship is open Fall 2016, applications accepted now until post is

The fellow will be supervised by Pamela Hinds, Professor of Management
Science & Engineering and Director of the Center for Work, Technology, and
Organizations.  To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter outlining the
candidate’s interests, and the names and contact information of 3
references. Please send materials via email to Melissa Valentine (
mav at stanford.edu) or Pamela Hinds (phinds at stanford.edu) with WTO Post Doc
in the message line with the noted items attached.

Pamela Hinds
Department of Management Science & Engineering
Stanford University

Huang Engineering Center, #207
phinds at stanford.edu
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