[liberationtech] Whistleblower systems in local governments

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists lists at infosecurity.ch
Sat Mar 5 09:36:52 PST 2016


at Hermes Center we got a good set of experience in deploying and
customizing GlobaLeaks for Public Agencies and AntiCorruption NGOs (even
if we're mostly known for uses in media-activism and investigative

Since we've started cooperating with TI's national chapters and other
anti-corruption NGOs in 2014, we've started an improvement process of
the GlobaLeaks software to increase information quality coming into the
system, handling different submission workflows, handling multiple team
on the same platforms, integrating in existing websites in
privacy-preserving way and stuff like that.

Btw from what we've learned "on field", the procedural/organizational
part of a whistleblowing project (let's call it "the analog part") is
probably the most important.

I'd really recommend to get support from the national chapter of
Transparency International, that surely knows better also the specific
"legal" requirements that may impact the procedures and workflows for

If we can gives some advice / support in evaluating / deploying
globaleaks in that context, let's fire an email! :-)

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
http://logioshermes.org - https://globaleaks.org - https://tor2web.org -

On 3/5/16 5:20 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> From: *Joonas Pekkanen* <joonas at pekkanen.org <mailto:joonas at pekkanen.org>>
> does anyone have any tips to find information on well-working
> whistleblower systems in cities (or other local governments)? 
> The City of Helsinki has now set up a committee
> <http://dev.hel.fi/paatokset/asia/hel-2016-000833/> (working until June)
> to examine how such a system should be set up. I would like to make sure
> the committee has the best info at hand.
> Thank you in advance!
> Joonas Pekkanen
> http://linkedin.com/in/pekkanen

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