[liberationtech] Join Stanford Crowd Course Initiative: collaborate and spread the ICTD knowledge with people around the world

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Mar 3 20:12:10 PST 2016

From: Rajan Vaish <vaish.rajan at gmail.com>

Want to demonstrate and share your knowledge while impacting education?
Help create a course on ICTD and spread the knowledge with people around
the world. Feel free to teach topics in crowd technologies, computer
science, data science, HCI or any other area - its up to you!

Join the Stanford Crowd Course Initiative to collaboratively create online
courses - receive valuable feedback & rec. letter from Stanford professors,
build a unique teaching experience, and get your work published on our
Stanford platform for a larger audience.

People from any department/industry are encouraged to apply. For more
information about this effort, please check out crowdcourse.stanford.edu,
or email Rajan Vaish at rvaish at cs.stanford.edu.

Rajan and Crowd Course Team at Stanford

Rajan Vaish
Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University | stanford.edu/~rvaish
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