[liberationtech] alkasir 2.0: One more anti-censorship tool launched

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Thu Mar 3 01:55:42 PST 2016

Congratulations on the continued progress, especially the move to
audited open-source code and the adoption of Obfs4proxy. I really look
forward to the mobile app, as well!

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016, at 01:29 PM, Walid AL-SAQAF wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> After over a year of hard work, we've finally launched our BETA release
> of Alkasir 2.0 <https://alkasir.com/>, a website censorship mapping and
> circumvention tool. We are still working on the mobile app and hope to
> have it launched this year.
> The software went through a major transformation from a Windows-based
> closed program to a security-audited cross-platform open-source solution.
> It is still a BETA release and we do expect to get bug reports and
> feedback from users as well as an interest by developers to contribute to
> it via the Github repository at https://github.com/alkasir/
> <https://github.com/alkasir/> .
> Here's a blog post on the launch:
> https://23c.se/our-blog/alkasir-20-free-speech-advancing-knowledge/
> <https://23c.se/our-blog/alkasir-20-free-speech-advancing-knowledge/>
> As a software developer and a researcher, I find that understanding
> phenomena such as Internet censorship as equally important as helping
> citizens overcome such censorship. This is why I am always interested in
> publishing research on this topic, the latest being a journal article in
> the most recent edition of the Media and Communication Open Access
> Journal. The article helps shed light on the use of Alkasir to bypass
> censorship in Syria between 2010 and 2012:
> http://www.cogitatiopress.com/ojs/index.php/mediaandcommunication/issue/view/37
> There are many people to thank for making this happen, especially the
> developer Thomas Frössman of 23Critters <http://23c.se/> and friends at
> Internews. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my good
> friend Eric Johnson who believed in the idea of split-tunneling from the
> very beginning and spared no effort to help me take it to the next level.
> Thank you Eric for your friendship and support over the years...
> Sincerely,
> Walid Al-Saqaf
> Founder
> Alkasir for Website Mapping and Circumvention
> https://alkasir.com <https://alkasir.com/>
> -- 
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  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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