[liberationtech] Question about Windows 10

John Ostrander john at crackroot.org
Fri Jun 24 07:48:30 PDT 2016

Hey y'all,

I was originally going to only reply to Peter's question about how to
wrest some control back from M$, but this might be something that others
aren't aware exists and could make use of. If one must run Windows then
I'd advise them to seriously consider running the Tron Script to cut
down on some of the shady stuff that Windows does with your data.

Link to Tron Script subreddit where you can find the latest download link

Link to list of what the Tron Script does

I hope this is able to help some folks out.

On 06/24/2016 01:31 AM, Peter Chin wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I need some advice about upgrading to Windows 10.   My laptop is running
> Windows 8 and I need to do the free upgrade to Win 10 because I have a
> lot of applications that run on Windows and I feel it is time to upgrade
> to the newest Windows O.S. But I really don't want my personal data
> collected in Windows 10 either. 
> I recently read that Microsoft could be releasing data controls that
> actually allow privacy
> (http://www.ghacks.net/2016/02/11/microsoft-promises-to-implement-full-windows-10-data-tracking-controls/)
> but I'm not holding my breath. If I upgrade to Windows 10, what can I do
> to control personal privacy?  I heard that the Enterprise version of
> Windows 10 would let me have more privacy and not collect my data.
> How are you all dealing with upgrading to Windows 10 so that you can
> still control your own personal data?  Thanks for your thoughts.
> Peter Chin
> (in Vancouver, Canada)

John M. Ostrander
john at crackroot.org

"Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are,
and of things which are not, that they are not." Protagoras

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